Ready? Set … Goal!

Ready? Set … Goal!

Goal Setting

Hello Tribeca AYAM Family!

We hope this newsletter finds you in good health and high spirits in the new year. This month, we’re zooming in on a skill that we often find ourselves helping patients with: setting goals. With these tools, you can learn to set goals for yourself and stick to those resolutions throughout the year!

The Value of Setting a Goal

Most people want to see some kind of change in their lives from time to time. Setting goals is an effective way to increase motivation and to help you to create the changes you want. It can be used to improve health and relationships, enhance productivity at work/school, and build new skills.

Whether your goals are big or small, the first step is to decide what they are. Start with the things you enjoy, as we are happiest when we use our strengths. Focus on what you want to do, not what you think you should do.

Breaking It Down the SMART Way

Setting a specific, measurable, and achievable goal (also known as a SMART goal) can help get you started and make a new goal feel less daunting. You can build on these goals as they become more routine.


Specific. Be clear about what you are aiming for—your goals should include specifics such as ‘who, where, when, why and what’. For example, rather than “do more exercise,” your goal could be to “walk for 30 minutes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.”


Measurable. Set goals that you can measure. Your goals should include a quantity of “how much” or “how many”: for example drinking 2 liters of water per day.


Achievable. Set goals that you are able to do. Goals that are too difficult can be discouraging and could lead to you giving up. For example, instead of “mastering the piano in 6 months,” try “learning to play a complete song in 1 month.”


Realistic. Set goals that are practical for you. Walking an hour a day might be difficult if you don’t get home from work/school until 8pm every day.


Time-related. Set a timeframe and have an endpoint. Deadlines can motivate your efforts and prioritize the task. Remember, though, to give yourself a realistic timeframe to accomplish your goal!

It can take 4-6 weeks for a goal to become a habit, so working on consistency rather than speed is important when it comes to changing behaviors and creating new routines.

Don’t forget, Tribeca AYAM offers specialized health consultations where we can help you plan, set, and maintain your health goals.

Thank you for being a part of the Tribeca AYAM family. Stay healthy!

Happy New Year!
The Tribeca AYAM Team

As always, your well-being is our top priority. We’d be grateful if you could take a moment to review us on Google and follow us on our social media channels to stay updated with the latest news and health tips from Tribeca AYAM.
Truths About Binge Drinking

Truths About Binge Drinking

Binge Drinking

Hello from all of us at Tribeca AYAM! In this celebration-filled month, we’re shining a spotlight on a behavior that is easily missed but surprisingly common, especially during holiday festivities: binge drinking. Binge drinking is just like anything else you can binge on, like food or Netflix, and as you might suspect, it’s not the healthiest choice and comes with serious consequences.

What is Binge Drinking?

Binge drinking is defined as consuming a large quantity of alcohol in a short period, typically five or more drinks for men and four or more drinks for women within two hours. There are many significant risks associated with this behavior.

An Increasing Trend

Young adults under 35 are more likely to binge drink than other age groups, but recent research highlights a concerning rise in binge drinking among adolescents aged 12-17. This is particularly alarming because adolescent brains are still in development, rendering them more vulnerable to the detrimental effects of alcohol. Reasons young people may binge drink include wanting to fit in, wanting to relieve stress or thinking it will make them “feel good,” wanting to feel older/more mature, and out of curiosity for what it feels like to be intoxicated.

High-Risk Behaviors

Binge drinking also often leads to high-risk behaviors such as driving under the influence. This not only endangers the individual but also poses a severe risk to the public. In addition to DUI, binge drinking can result in poor decision-making, which may lead to accidents, fights, and risky sexual behavior.

Long-Term Dangers

Binge drinking isn’t just dangerous when you’re doing it—there are many long-term health risks associated with even occasional binges. These risks include memory issues, decreased brain volume, and an increased likelihood of developing an alcohol use disorder in the future. Physical effects include dehydration, liver damage, heart disease, and stroke.

What Can You Do?

Parental Guidance: Open communication about the risks of binge drinking and modeling appropriate behaviors is crucial, even early on when you don’t think children are watching.

Make a Plan: If you anticipate drinking, plan on having food with your drinks and alternating alcohol with non-alcoholic beverages. Water is best! Also plan to drink with people you trust, and know how you’ll be getting home safely.

Medical Consultation: If you’re concerned that you are engaging in binge drinking, consult healthcare professionals for guidance and treatment.

We at Tribeca AYAM are dedicated to your well-being. If you worry binge drinking or any other health concern is affecting you, please don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us.

Thank you for being a part of our Tribeca AYAM community. Take care, and see you in the new year!

As always, your well-being is our top priority. We’d be grateful if you could take a moment to review us on Google and follow us on our social media channels to stay updated with the latest news and health tips from Tribeca AYAM.
Understanding Social Media “Challenges”

Understanding Social Media “Challenges”

Flu Vaccine

Hello from Tribeca AYAM!

The negative impact of social media on young minds is a concern we often discuss with patients and families at our practice. Risks from social media include cyberbullying, threats to self-esteem, negative influence on body image, and more. A specific social media threat that is on the rise is “social media challenges,” and it’s crucial to recognize the influence and potential hazards of these online trends.

What Are Social Media Challenges?

Social media challenges are activities or tasks that people are encouraged to perform and share online. They can range from harmless fun (remember the “ice bucket” challenge?) to potentially risky behaviors (subway “surfing”?!), especially among adolescents. These challenges often gain viral attention, making them all the more appealing to young people.

Why Are Challenges Attractive?

The adolescent brain is still in the process of development, particularly the prefrontal cortex, which governs decision-making and risk assessment. The desire for social validation and the “fear of missing out” (FOMO) can make adolescents more susceptible to participating in these challenges.

The Dangers

Some challenges may pose physical risks, while others can have long-lasting emotional or psychological effects. The quest for online fame can sometimes overshadow rational judgment, leading to harmful consequences.

Tips for Parents

Open Dialogue: Talk to your children about the risks involved in participating in social media challenges.

Monitor Usage: Keep an eye on the content your child is consuming and sharing online.

Set Boundaries: Utilize parental controls on devices to limit exposure to potentially harmful material.

Be a Role Model: Demonstrate responsible social media usage.

Let’s Keep the Conversation Going

If you have further concerns about social media use, our team is here to help. Schedule an appointment to discuss personalized strategies for safeguarding your family’s online experience.

Warm regards,
The Tribeca AYAM Team

As always, your well-being is our top priority. We’d be grateful if you could take a moment to review us on Google and follow us on our social media channels to stay updated with the latest news and health tips from Tribeca AYAM.